Buchcover für 50 Classic Western Stories You Should Read (Zongo Classics)

50 Classic Western Stories You Should Read (Zongo Classics)

The Last Of The Mohicans, The Log Of A Cowboy, Riders of the Purple Sage, Cabin Fever, Black Jack...


This Classic Western Stories anthology by Golden Deer Classics contains the following stories:

The Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper
The Prairie - James Fenimore Cooper
Astoria - Washington Irving
Malaeska, The Indian Wife Of The White Hunter - Ann S. Stephens
The Bridge of the Gods - Frederic Homer Balch
Salomy Jane - Bret Harte
That Girl Montana - Marah Ellis Ryan
The road to Frontenac - Samuel Merwin
The Virginian, A Horseman Of The Plains - Owen Wister
The Log of a Cowboy - Andy Adams
A Texas Matchmaker - Andy Adams
Chip, of the Flying U - B.M. Bower
The Outlet - Andy Adams
Cattle Brands - Andy Adams
The Spirit of the Border - Zane Grey
Reed Anthony, Cowman - Andy Adams
The Lure of the Dim Trails - B.M. Bower
Heart of the West - O. Henry
The Last of the Plainsmen - Zane Grey
The Happy Family - B.M. Bower
Hidden Water - Dane Coolidge
The Danger Trail - James Oliver Curwood
The Heritage of the Desert - Zane Grey
Wells Brothers - Andy Adams
Riders of the Purple Sage - Zane Grey
O Pioneers! - Willa Cather
Kazan, the Wolf Dog - James Oliver Curwood
The Hidden Children - Robert William Chambers
The Rustlers of Pecos County - Zane Grey
The Phantom Herd - B.M. Bower
The Hunted Woman - James Oliver Curwood
Gunman's Reckoning - Max Brand
The Lone Star Ranger - Zane Grey
A Voice in the Wilderness - Grace Livingston Hill
The Lookout Man - B.M. Bower
Wildfire - Zane Grey
Cabin Fever - B. M. Bower
The Treasure Trail - Marah Ellis Ryan
My Ántonia - Willa Cather
The Thunder Bird - B.M. Bower
Riders of the Silences - Max Brand
The Untamed - Max Brand
The Desert of Wheat - Zane Grey
The Night Horseman - Max Brand
The La Chance Mine Mystery - Susan Morrow Jones
The Seventh Man - Max Brand
The Mysterious Rider - Zane Grey
Black Jack - Max Brand
The Rangeland Avenger - Max Brand
The Scalp Hunter - Robert Ervin Howard