Sacred and Profane Love

Sacred and Profane Love

A Novel in Three Episodes

Description of book

'Sacred and Profane Love' is a novel written by Arnold Bennett. The story begins by introducing us to the narrator, a young person who is deeply preoccupied with thoughts of love and romance. On this particular afternoon, they are feeling moved and emotional as they sit down to play the piano in an old, Victorian-era drawing room. The room is filled with ornate furniture and decorations, and a fire is burning in the fireplace. As the narrator plays, they become introspective and begin to wonder about their own identity and how they came to be in this particular place. They look out the window and see the garden and the surrounding streets, and they seem to be searching for some deeper understanding of the meaning of life. The scene is one of quiet contemplation and reflection, and the narrator is seeking to make sense of their own place in the world.

