Buchcover für Joseph Conrad: The Complete Works

Joseph Conrad: The Complete Works


Almayer's Folly (1895)

An Outcast of the Islands (1896)

The Nigger of the "Narcissus" (1897)

Tales of Unrest (1898; Karain: A Memory, The Idiots, An Outpost of Progress, The Return, The Lagoon)

Lord Jim (1900)

The Inheritors (1901; with Ford Madox Hueffer)

Youth: A Narrative, and Two Other Stories (1902; Youth, Heart of Darkness, The End of the Tether)

Typhoon and Other Stories (1903; Typhoon, Amy Foster, Falk, To-morrow)

Romance (1903; with Ford Madox Hueffer)

One Day More (1904)

Nostromo (1904)

The Mirror of the Sea (1906)

The Secret Agent (1907)

A Set of Six (1908; Gaspar Ruiz, The Informer, The Brute, An Anarchist, The Duel, Il Conde)

Under Western Eyes (1911)

A Personal Record (1912)

'Twixt Land and Sea (1912; A Smile of Fortune, The Secret Sharer, Freya of the Seven Isles)

Chance (1913)

Within the Tides (1915; The Planter of Malata, The Partner, The Inn of the Two Witches, Because of the Dollars)

Victory (1915)

The Shadow-Line (1917)

The Arrow of Gold (1919)

The Rescue (1920)

Notes on Life and Letters (1921)
