The Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy

The Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Resurrection, The Death of Ivan Ilych, Correspondences with Gandhi


Leo Tolstoy's 'The Complete Works' stands as a monumental collection of some of the greatest literary works to have ever graced the world of literature. Bursting at the seams with a diverse range of genres, from novels like 'War and Peace' to shorter works such as 'The Death of Ivan Ilyich,' Tolstoy showcases his unparalleled storytelling abilities, philosophical depth, and keen observations of society. His writing style is marked by vivid imagery, intricate character development, and a deep exploration of human emotions and relationships, making his works timeless and captivating for readers of all ages. Tolstoy's masterpieces are not only representative of 19th-century Russian literature, but also hold universal themes that continue to resonate with readers worldwide.

Autor oder AutorinLeo Tolstoy