Book cover for History of English Literature from "Beowulf" to Swinburne

History of English Literature from "Beowulf" to Swinburne

Description of book

Andrew Lang's 'History of English Literature from 'Beowulf' to Swinburne' provides a comprehensive overview of the development of English literature from its earliest known works to the Victorian era. Lang's book is a detailed and scholarly examination of key literary works and influential writers, offering insights into the cultural and historical context in which these works were created. Lang's writing is characterized by its clarity and depth, making it accessible to both academic scholars and general readers interested in the evolution of English literature. His analysis delves into the themes, genres, and styles of each major literary period, showcasing his expertise in the field of literary studies. As a prominent literary figure himself, Lang's perspective offers valuable insights into the significance of these works and their impact on the literary landscape. Readers interested in exploring the rich tapestry of English literature will find Lang's 'History of English Literature from 'Beowulf' to Swinburne' to be an indispensable resource for understanding the evolution of the written word.
Author.Andrew Lang

