Book cover for Mizzi Mozzi And The Riddle-Nigma Of The Glimmer-Glime Green Macka Moozz

Mizzi Mozzi And The Riddle-Nigma Of The Glimmer-Glime Green Macka Moozz

Description of book

In a whimsical world, Mizzi Mozzi and her friends Flip-Flop and Lekko embark on a quest to solve the Riddlenigma of the Glimmer-Glime Green Macka Moozz. Mysteriously painted by pixie Fatina-Facheta under the deceitful guidance of Shadozey Spectro Splatterwink, these vibrant cows can now only produce bizarre Bacon and Broccoli Milkie-Shikkie-Shakies. To restore their true colors and the beloved original flavors, our heroes must navigate the perilous Lakoostreen Lagoona Lake, braving the Monstrous Malakar Murk Fathom to obtain magical Wiggleful Wishleya Waddle-Waterlily petals. Confronting Splatterwink, they must ensure he makes amends for his mischief, returning harmony to Mizzipotazia.
