The Unknown Power of the New Believer

The Unknown Power of the New Believer

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The Unknown Power of a New Believer Audio book is about the power of faith within new followers of Christ as a Consciousness and New Believers of God. This book describes and highlights the strength of the mind as an unrecognized power able to be optimized by people whose faith has not been tainted by disappointments, failures of others or negative mindsets of people who discourage or may not understand the power of childlike faith. This audio book defines faith and what it means to have childlike faith. Listeners will also learn about being a "doer" of your faith and not just a "hearer" of God's word and instructions, as well as the impact of actions over analyzing or speaking words alone. Listeners will be able to gain understanding of how God speaks, Self Knowledge being similar to God Knowledge and how much you can learn from your own results and the results of others. Lastly, listeners will learn how passion can birth purpose, learning from history of personal achievements, the legacy of heritage and the basis of why you believe what you believe. The Unknown Power of a New Believer lays the foundation of several other titles including "Spiritual Human Behavior" a newly developed area of psychology which will help listeners learn about what impacts human behavior and how that plays into spiritual nature as well as spiritual beliefs coming soon from "Good Head Group Audio Books" presented by Love Gang a Speaking Freedom company, in efforts to provide Advanced Spiritual Developmental Studies and Personal Growth Insight.