Arcadelt Favorites on the Ukulele

Arcadelt Favorites on the Ukulele

Ancient Music for Ukulele #13

Description of book

A selection of intermediate to advanced pieces by Jacques Arcadelt (ca 1507 - 1568) adapted for the Ukulele or Renaissance Guitar, using musical notation and tablature.

Ancient music written for the modern ukulele ….. None!

Playing ancient music on the ukulele ….. Absolutely!

This collection of intermediate to advanced pieces by Jacques Arcadelt (ca 1507 - 1568) are adapted for the Ukulele or Renaissance Guitar, using musical notation and tablature. The pieces in this book in roughly the same order as the original book, however, not all of the original pieces are included in this book of arrangements. When playing a soprano, concert or tenor ukulele, linear tuning is required (i.e. using a low G string). Notes about the composer and pieces are at the back of this book.


“Si ce n’est amour qu’est-ce”
“Je ne me confesserai point”
“Quand viendra la clarté”
“Je ne sçay que c’est qu’il me faut”
“Que te sert amy d'estre ainsi”
"J'ay tant bon credit qu'on voudra”
“Dieu inconstant”
“Ce n'est bien ny plaisir”
“Margot labourez les vignes”
“Amour a pouvoir sur les dieux”
“Qui pourra dire la douleur”
“Nous voyons que les hommes”
“La pastorella mia”
“Amour me sçauriez vous apprendre”
Vocal Parts with Melodic Lines and Words

Recordings of the pieces played at various tempos are posted on SoundCloud and/or YouTube (search for Arcadelt Favorites on the Ukulele or Ancient Music for Ukulele).

Please check out the other books in this series “Ancient Music for Ukulele” by visiting our website ( and/or Facebook page.

