Your Guide To Marrakesh
Description of book
Magical Marrakesh! Nearly one thousand years of exciting history have left their impressive marks on this exceptional city, full to the brim of colours and patterns, smells and tastes, light and sound, and a very special ambience which emerges in the intersection between beautiful surroundings, a rich culture, hospitality, and an exceedingly generous climate.
With this book in hand, you have everything you need to know in order to get the complete experience of the red city, both regarding preparations before leaving and while walking round the narrow streets and alleyways, reading the background stories and benefitting from the numerous tips and descriptions, thus making it easier for you to select what to see and where to eat.
Your Guide to Marrakesh gives you vivid, personal accounts from:
60 cafés & restaurants • 15 historical sights • 10 gardens & parks • 25 museums, cultural centres & galleries • 20 riads, hotels & hammams.
As well as history, handicrafts & shopping, souks & markets, architecture & food culture, music & festivals + all the practical info you will need on your journey.
Om forfatter
Maria Wittendorff er exam.art. i arabisk og mangeårig skribent og redaktør på magasiner og bøger. Hun har i mere end 30 år rejst i Nordafrika og er drevet af mødet mellem kulturer, forståelsen af historiens cirkler og nysgerrigheden efter at udfordre og udvide sin egen begrebsverden. Hun udgav sin første bog om Marrakech, Marrakech – smag, steder og stemning, i 2017 og holder også foredrag om byen.
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