Promoting Fundamental British Values

Promoting Fundamental British Values

Beschrijving van het boek

Promoting Fundamental British Values in the Early Years is designed to help early years professionals, leaders and managers understand their responsibilities in relation to fulfilling the Prevent duty and promoting fundamental British values in foundation stage settings.
The book:
- Provides a brief explanation of the Prevent aspect of the Government's counterterrorism strategy and the implications that this has for safeguarding, child protection and curriculum delivery in the early years
- Takes an in-depth look at what the Government means by 'fundamental British values', explaining how these
are already implicitly embedded within the EYFS
- Offers activity ideas and case studies that exemplify how to promote democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs in the early years setting.

Auteur.Marianne Sargent

