Puff in the Pillow, The Babysitter (Unabridged)

Puff in the Pillow, The Babysitter (Unabridged)

Description of book

Puff is a lovely character who lives in every child's pillow and who they can turn to when scared and worried about something their life. In this story Puff helps a little girl confront her fear of being left with a baby sitter.
Many children have fears which parents need to manage. Puff in the Pillow: the Baby Sitter is a great, 'just before bed', story which allows parents to introduce the character of Puff and allow them to help their child manage their fears regarding being left with a babysitter.
Puff takes her on a journey of discovery and is part of a series of books called Puff in the Pillow. Each one will deal with a child's fear in a constructive and comforting way.
Puff in the Pillow has been lovingly crafted by Natalie and Steven Gurevitz along with the internationally recognized author Jean Luc Lafitte.