The Fair Hostess | Erotic Novel [Edition Finest Erotica]

The Fair Hostess | Erotic Novel [Edition Finest Erotica]

Description of the book

Young biology student Nadia escapes from her boring relationship by accepting a holiday job as a fair hostess at a big industrial fair. She feels so attracted by the many business men's elegance and manners, that she is hardly able to stand up to their attempts of seduction. She is beyond liking to dress erotic in skirts and tights, and soon understands that she doesn't want to go back to her old life. This is the start of an exciting time with a lot of party.

The entertaining novel by Valerie Nilon offers sensual tension until the end.
The lightness of this passing erotic novel by Valerie Nilon, written in first-person narrative style, is matchless. The reader is imparted all the protagonist's thoughts, feelings, and most intimate experiences peer-to-peer and from the closest point of view.

Speaker: Laura Aureem
